The main speakers at the discussion were Doug Chambers, President of the GSM Association (3GSM trade show organizer), Mung-Ki Woo, head of mobile payments at Orange, Jerome Sion, Contactless & m-commerce Director at Gemalto (specialist card SIM) and Byungki OH Director of Strategy at KTF (Korean telephone operator).
Why use the mobile as a means of payment? That is the question that can arise.
Studies show that the phone is the object that users always prevail with them when they come to forget their keys even from home, reminds us Jerome Sion. One can imagine then that the motive is often more accessible than the wallet. There are 1.5 billion credit cards in circulation throughout the world and nearly 2.6 billion mobile phones are connected. In 2011, 500 million mobile phones embedding the technology will allow its users to consume more to spend $ 36 billion via their mobile!
The principle of "Mobile payment" as it is called is a new mode of payment from his mobile. Above all, it needs to be secured to be adopted. Doug Chambers tells us it took a search technology adapted to all these new uses for a secure exchange of data. After many tests and experiments technology NFC (Near Filed Communication) has emerged as indicated Byungki OH. At KTF, we launched our first mobile services without contact in 2002. We started with RFID chips, and infra-red and today we use the NFC with USIM cards. So far, we Korea 12 million users of mobile payments services (about 10 million users in Japan in 18 months).
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