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N9, Eco-friendly Smartphone from Nokia

Written By Kaisar Woll on 2011/08/08 | Monday, August 08, 2011

Latest nokia smartphone, Nokia N9, not yet officially entered the Indonesian market, but already many people crowded into the conversation. Nokia N9 use MeeGo platform, an open source mobile operating system project based on Linux, has high-end features and applications. Remarkably, the N9 is an eco-friendly smartphone.

Nokia N9 eco green profile is high. The material used by N9 is free from PVC (polyvinyl chloride), antimony trioxide, chlorinated, and brominated compounds. In fact, N9 packaging uses 100 percent recycled materials, as quoted from mynokiablog.com (8/7/2011).

Nokia N9 made ​​minimalist packaging, such as iPhone, to be more economical. In addition to environmentally friendly, Nokia N9 also quite energy efficient. Nokia provides a power saving mode, a reminder unplug the battery if it is full, fast USB charger AC-16, as well as the ambient light sensor.

Nokia N9 Full Specification


  1. Nokia is my always favorite choice so i am very happy because they have launched Nokia N9 with open source mobile operating system project based on Linux.

  2. Eco friendly phones a great way to save mother earth.

  3. Nokia making eco friendly products.that's great news.

  4. The upcoming Nokia N9 will be a very green choice. That is, according to the phone’s Eco profile. Starting from the packaging which is 100% recyclable and and is made up from 77% recycled material.

  5. nokia is the best for me..

  6. The nokia company has been a new model launched N9 Eco friendly model so very nice and in which is good features that can be very easily used to in Eco friendly model so very nice really.

  7. i have bought one after reading all specifications and the feature of being environment friendly is really a good facility provided by nokia.

  8. Eco friendly phone make us proud and environment friendly.

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  25. this past 13 years nokia has been taking over the lead of cellular phone productions. according by all nokia's productions , there no doubt on how they manage the need of their costumers and one of them is me.

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  30. Berapa ya harganya....

  31. wah keren nih nokia n9, pasti harga'y juga mhal bgt ya??

  32. Its a grate invention Eco-friendly packaging starts from the Nokia N9 which 77% made from recycled materials, and is 100% of materials that can be recycled. Package sizes were kept to a minimum, the composition is above the cell phone and other accessories neatly packed at the bottom of the pack.

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  43. Its so becoming and befitting phone. The Nokia N9 is the first MeeGo-powered smartphone from the Finns, and we certainly hope it won't be the last because it's actually a rather decent piece of kit.

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  46. karena tak ingin kalah saingan , kini nokia makin memperbanyak lagi versinya..
    bagus yaa..
    makasih bnyak infonya, jadi pengen beli juga :)

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  82. Nokia provides a power saving mode, a reminder unplug the battery if it is full, fast USB charger AC-16, as well as the ambient light sensor.

  83. In addition to environmentally friendly, Nokia N9 also quite energy efficient. Nokia provides a power saving mode, a reminder unplug the battery if it is full, fast USB charger AC-16, as well as the ambient light sensor.

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  85. Mobile operating system project based on Linux, has high-end features and applications. Remarkably, the N9 is an eco-friendly smart phone.

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  87. the spec of N9 is impressive, it has 1gb ram but I am not familiar with the OS.

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