Yeah, it's so surprising me google give PR 3 for this lovely blog, because more than 2 months rarely updating this blog. I set this blog as dofollow even many seo gurus not recommended it because it can down the rank. But, I want to give benefits to my visitors, so i ignore that thing.
Now, all of my beloved visitors will also get more benefit from commenting here because now this blog has PR 3. So, lets join the conversation and get the backlins. Happy blogging to everyone.
Congratulation to myself. Hope this will be a positive energy to provide valuable information to all of the visitors.
ReplyDeletenice info.tks
ReplyDeletecongrats you can go for SEO tools to increase your page ranking at a regular level.
ReplyDeletewow, congrats dude..your blog really deserve this, infact i hope it will surely get Pr 5
ReplyDeleteyou just keep on updating your blog.
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ReplyDeleteYou know, I have to tell you, I really enjoy this blog and the insight from everyone who participates. I find it to be refreshing and very informative. I wish there were more blogs like it.
ReplyDeletetks for the info....
ReplyDeletePR in short is rate of a site given by Google to show how valuable they are, The process is very complex. There are at least 200 parameter for page rank. Google PageRank uses the Internet's link structure as an indication of each web page's relevancy. It shows how page is important.
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what a great news..
ReplyDeletecongrat bro..
wah selamat mas... moga klo nnt google PR update lagi PR-na tmbh lagi
ReplyDeleteasyik tuh dah dapat PR3.
ReplyDeletesemoga sukses..
Congrats to you....it's a good news to all user. This dofollow blog help to increase other site's PR by providing back linking.
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Datang dan kunjungi kami skrg .
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mantab tuh, lanjutkan..
ReplyDeleteThanks very wise decision really.
ReplyDeletegan greetings ..
Selamat ya bro, semoga ketularan. Keren nih dapet hadiah PR 3, tingkatkan lagi ya. Klo punyaq blm dapet PR nih, Bagi-bagi tipsnya dong Gan :-)
ReplyDeleteSelamat ....terus berjuang....
ReplyDeleteMANTAP GANN!!! tipsnya donkz...
ReplyDeleteYou shall always look for quality backlink, building backlink at the higher PR site will give you more PR juice. And dofollow backlink on same niche website/blog will give you more benefit.
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ReplyDeleteBagi2 tricknya dong bos hehe ^_^----------------------------------------------------
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I was desperately looking for such relevant and nice blog and you blog looks nice enough to deserve the nice information for all. I will definitely come back for more cool postings.
ReplyDeleteselamat, semoga bisa naik lg dan saya bisa mengejar
ReplyDeleteselamat ya bro dapet pagerank 3....
ReplyDeleteGoogle have a great tech nice page rank to state. Its very useful for any site of blogs.Through its you can analysis whats page rank of your site? so its very beneficial for every site or blog maker.
ReplyDeleteWah, selamat ya blog nya kini sudah do follow. Mudah2an situs saya juga menyusul. amin
ReplyDeleteCongratulation....building backlink at the higher PR site will give you more PR and more benefits to other's site.
ReplyDeletemakin maju aja,,,semoga selalu sukses....
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you first for achieving PR 3 and secondly passing a juice to your loyal visitors. Thanks really for making it dofollow.
ReplyDeletemakasih banyak atas infonya..
ReplyDeletebesok mampir lagi nih..
Great Post!
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing it...
wah, mantap kali you punya tulisan..
ReplyDeletesukses yaaa.
salam kenal dari bandung om..
sukses terus!!!
jangan lupa kunjungan baliknya donk bro..
ReplyDeletesukses terus yaa..
ane setuju banget sama postingan ente gan!
ReplyDeletemantep dahhh..
widihhh..mantep banget nih tulisannya.
ReplyDeletekeep posting sob!
ReplyDeletepermisi masss....
sukses terus...
ijin main2 yah kang..
ReplyDeletesukses selalu...
akhirnya sampe juga disini nih...
ReplyDeletesalam kenal mas.....
Nice post...
ReplyDeletesaya setuju sama tulisan diatas..
wah, tulisannya bagus nih..
ReplyDeletemakasih yah udah sharing ke kita2...
ijin buat backlink yah kang...
ReplyDeletenuhun ahh..
Blogwalking nih mas...
ReplyDeletepermisi yaaa..
keren nih postingannya...
ReplyDeletesukses terus mas..
kunjungan balik donk...
tengkyu mas buat tulisannya...
ReplyDeletejadi nambah2 ilmu nih...
waah mantabb... selamat deh... boleh dunk di share caranya :)
ReplyDeletecongratulation.. . . thanks for sharing. .
ReplyDeletegreeting from mas raden
mantap mas saya ikut...
ReplyDeletesalam kenal aja...
semoga aja terus sukses karena berbagi takan pernah Rugi
ReplyDeletewah nice mas dalam 2 bulan bsa dapet PR3
ReplyDeletesalam sukses mas
congratulations buat blognya nd mas..
ReplyDeletesemoga sellu sukses mas
nice info for us, i am very interest, thanks guys.
ReplyDeleteThanks for providing with this information. I just want to bookmark it…
ReplyDeletedipertahankan mas...kalo uda ber-PR jd takut drop wae... :D
ReplyDeleteCongratulation with PR 3 !!!
ReplyDeleteGoogle have a great tech nice page rank to state. Google PageRank uses the Internet's link structure as an indication of each web page's relevancy. It shows how page is important.
ReplyDeleteExcellent Article! I personally really like your article. This is a great website. I will make sure that I stop back again!.
ReplyDeleteLong live your blog !
ReplyDeleteCongr with PR=3 !
wah.. selamat ya... tips-nya dong mas buat blogger2 yang masih belajar seperti saya..
ReplyDeleteoiya mumpung dofollow saya nitip sebuah link, smoga bukan dianggap spam.. sebab blog saya juga berguna buat semuanya
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nice info gan. salam kenal smua
ReplyDeleteWow good post i really like it. congrats
ReplyDeleteIt is no doubt that Google is world famous search engine. And now the Google provide the facility to see the page rank of any blog or site which is very great news for site or blog owner.
ReplyDeletewah hebat sudah PR 3 suatu pekerjaan yang keras dan tak kenal lelah...congratulations....
ReplyDeletewahh.... congratulation brata,,,,,,, nice blog...... visit back to my blog..... dofollow blog.....
ReplyDeletengopi dulu aahh....
ReplyDeletePR3 is great !
ReplyDeleteCongratulations !!!
selamat ya mas bambang, moga-moga makin jaya terus
ReplyDeletedoain q yach moga cepetnyusul mas jadi yang ke 4, hehhehe
Congrat my friend!
ReplyDeleteYes, you're right! content and traffic is more important than nofollow links. Keep your hard working.
Best wishes to you.
ReplyDeletecongratulation! you wil get PR 4 soon dude :P
ReplyDeleteI continuously wanted to write on my website something like that. Can I implement a fragment of your post to my site?
ReplyDeleteselamat menempuh pagerank baru :D
ReplyDeleteI am so new to all this online, the more I read the more I realize there's so much more for me to learn, thanks for the awesome post I will be back!
ReplyDeleteMbah google lg bagi2 hadiah...eyank juga kebagian...hehehe...
ReplyDeleteselamat gan,ane menyusul dikit lagi :)
ReplyDeleteVery nice...congratz... :)
ReplyDeleteI'll try to increase my Page Rank for last 7 months. But my PR never move from zero...wakakaka.... Maybe my work was not max. Maybe some month ahead...I'll make it better, maybe as like your blog, Get PR 3...hehe...amin...
nice info,,thanks for information,,
ReplyDeleteGooogle page rank is very important for the every website.SEO will helps you in getting importance in google.You describes this thing nicely in this article.
ReplyDeletekeep bloging biar tambah naik PR nya
ReplyDeleteCongrats for the new rank !
ReplyDeleteselamat ya moga bisa jadi insfirasi buat smuanya,,,,
ReplyDeletemoga ke depannya bisa lebih baik lagi,,,,
ReplyDeleteCongrats for your PR3 !
ReplyDeleteThis is great ! Helps everyone here.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing such a lovely blog with us, it is great news i really enjoyed while reading this blog.Congrats...........
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you for your efforts !
ReplyDeletecongrats, mate !
ReplyDeleteGreat ! Your efforts paid off.
ReplyDeleteHope your site keeps going up !
ReplyDeletehahaha...well its funny, but congrats buddy..
ReplyDeleteyou really deserve this....
Keep it up until you get P.R 5
its beautiful../
ReplyDeletethe nice info
great info,,thanks for share,,
ReplyDeletemoga bisa jadi motivasi buat para blogger biar bisa jadi lebih baik lagi,,,
ReplyDeletegreat post,,thanks for share,,
ReplyDeleteselamat ya,,,moga bisa meciptakan karya karya terbaiknya ,,makasih dan sukses slalu,,
ReplyDeleteSuper-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again - taking you feeds also, Thanks.
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ReplyDeleteI certainly enjoyed the way you explore your experience and knowledge of the subject! Keep up on it. Thanks for sharing the info.
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ReplyDeleteVery nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wished to say that I have truly enjoyed surfing around your blog posts.
ReplyDeletemantap mas...congratulation ya....
ReplyDeleteI like It Info nya
ReplyDeleteselamat sob, moga2 ane tertular pr3 nya :D
ReplyDeletebener2 prestasi yang membanggakan.. harus diikuti jejaknya dan harus bisa dijaga... kami mendukungmu..
ReplyDeleteHi, first I want to say awesome blog. Google have a great tech nice page rank to state. Google PageRank uses the Internet's link structure as an indication of each web page's relevancy. Thanks for posting me. I often visit on this site.
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ReplyDeleteSelamat boz, maju perut pantat mundur..hehehe
ReplyDeletei think you got a new idea to get famous over internet.
ReplyDeleteWonderful and amazing efforts for the providing us valuable and informatics stuff. Really good efforts
ReplyDeletepermisi berkunjung mas.....
ReplyDeletesukses terus,,mudah2an blog saya juga bisa naik PR nya kayak blog ini
mohon bimbingannya....salam kenal....
selamat ya PR'Y naik
ReplyDeletesemoga mkin skss trz ya sob...........
mudah"n blog PR'y saya bza naik jg.....
Excellent tips. Really useful stuff .Never had an idea about this, will look for more of such informative posts from your side.. Good job...Keep it up
ReplyDeletehebat euy. dapat pr 3. gua sussah banget tuh dapat pr 3. Berapa lama yah udahngeblog?
ReplyDeleteselamat y,,,, ats kenaikan PR'y....
ReplyDeletesaya jadi ngiri nie,,,,,
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ReplyDeletehebat nih naik PR :D
ReplyDeleteslamat ya
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ReplyDeletesayang bgt mas, ko jadi 1 sekarang.. knapa nih??
ReplyDeletetapi gpp lah, mga mkin naik lagi., saya doain jadi 5 :)
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Keep sharing good things with friends ..
Thanks for sharing ..
sekarang PR nya balik lagik ke 2 tuh, mas
iya tuh mas, ketendang sama pandanya om gugel :D
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ReplyDeletemoga akan menjadi kebaikan bersama
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ReplyDeleteconcratz gimana caranya tuh,,,sayabertahun-tahun blm pernah pr 3
ReplyDeletewah sayangnnya ini blog di tinggal begitu saja ..